Sunday, November 16, 2008


So I finally had a chance to post some pics. The concert was awesome. I think Steven and I had more fun than Gavin. And i was such a soon as they came out in the wiggle car i started to cry. i was so overwhelmed that gavin was finally able to see the wiggles in person! Im such a cry baby. oh well though. we also have some videos and ill post them in a later post. At first we thought that they were really weird and a little crazy but going to this are they funny. we laughed the whole time. it was great. hope u enjoy the pics. Sorry some of them are a little blurry because my camera sucks.

1 comment:

vicki gardner said...

You know that I think you have the
cutest kids ever and that includes Madeline. You really are a stong person and very lucky.
I love you all,
Grandma Vicki