Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day at the Park

So yesterday we were bored and I felt bad because Gavin wanted to go to Jumping Jelly Bean but i wasnt sure if he would actually go in without a friend. Since its been cold I havent let him go outside so I felt worse. I get very guilty very easily. Anyways, so I asked him if he wanted to go to the park or just stay home and play toys. Of course we all know what his answer was..."The Park"! I also felt guilty because we havent taken Aiden to the park, like ever. Im a really bad mom about that kinda stuff. So we took Gavin and Aiden to the park to play. Gavin had a blast...so did Steven! Aiden liked the swings. After we went to Mcdonalds and Gavin had his usual fries and chocolate milk. Its almost an every day thing and he knows the store too. Every time we past a fast food place he says "French-Fries and Choc Milk. Yes. Okay!". Its so funny. He's a smart little boy. Enjoy the pics of our day at the park.


Just Chim said...

Next time I should go

vicki gardner said...

Those pix were great, It was funny to see Adien in the swing and on the slide with Gavin.
However, can you see Ryan putting Hunter in one of those swings or go down the slide? We give him a break because Hunter is the first kid. It will change soon.I hope, everytime anyone else has Hunter Ryan shows up. Ryan honey,we have all had kids and I had you, and you turned out to be great.So let me have some fun with Hunter.
Melissa you are a great mom. And beleive this or not, Grandma is always telling what a great mom you are. That is high praise coming from her. I'll see you Christmas.
Grandma Vicki