Monday, October 6, 2008

Momma's Little Helper

Ok so my mom was doing the laundry and Gavin ran up there to go get her. My mom comes down like 20 mins later and says u have got to see these pics. Gavin decided to help with the laundry. What a big little helper he is. Now all we need to do is make a stool tall enough to reach the soap then we're good. I wont ever have to do laundry again. And thats great because he already doesnt want us to help him with anything. I love kids. They just crack me up, they are so darn funny.


The Curlee Family said...

He's too cute. gotta love a boy that does chores

vicki gardner said...

Enjoy it while it lasts. Once they hit the teenage years, getting them to help is sometimes like pulling teeth. But if Gavin wants to help, let him. He is so cute.