Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kids R Crazy!

Well we made the finale decision about moving or not moving. It sucks but we arent moving. Steven's sister is going to move into it instead. Becuase we live so far and gas is so expensive we weren't able to help them everyday.Plus Steven was working. So his aunt got mad and said Jessie could take it. So i hate to say it again, and i hope my family isnt too upset, but we are NOT moving....yet.

1 comment:

vicki gardner said...

the pictures are beautiful.Any time you and Stepehn want to take a break, come to Ala. and drop those babies here with me, and then you and Stephen can have some time to yourselves. Ya'll need to come over with Scott when he comes to the ltd team meetings. they are on Thursdays and bring the boys just drop them at my house and pick them up later. Those meetings are fun. that is not why I am writing tho.Honey, you need to forgive yourself. I know you probably haven't yet and the reason I know this is because it has taken me almost 23 years to forgive myself. And I am not sure that I have completely. It takes time. Don't worry so much about what everybody else thinks, they have not walked in your shoes.And besides, wwe are not suppose to judge. But we are lucky because we have a family there that will love us no matter what. Of course Grandma can be the biggest hurdle, but whenever I call her and she is watching the boys, she is so proud of them and then I get to talk to Gavin. He is too cute. She gets to brag about them.Remember,27 years ago, I had Scott and then 26 years ago I had Elizabeth. And tho giving her up was the hardest thing I have ever done,it was the right choice. Think where we would be without Scott in our family. So I have walked a mile in your shoes and I know that it is not easy. I told you, when I married Tom, grandma didn't particularly like him, but over the years she has come to realize what I knew all along. He is a good man.They say that dogs and kids can tell if somebody is good. and since tom gets along with kids so good, and loves animals, I figure he's done good. Melissa, your marriage is almost like my marriage to Tom that 1st year. The only difference is that I had big kids Plus ony one at home. And remember that I told you I have had 4 sets of rings. Nobody's marriage is perfect. Not even Grandma's. Or your momma's, or Ryan's, Lanice's. Do you see what I am getting at?We are human.
And humans make mistakes, and sometimes it takes some of us a little longer to fiqure out how NOT to make the same mistakes over again.Each day as you get up, just tell your self that for today, I will choose to be happy. I will be grateful and I WILL FORGIVE MYSELF.You are gonna make it. It just takes time.
But yu and Stepehn need to take time fore just you and him. Go see a movie, or just go to the park and sit and talk. But the deal is that you have to leave the boys at Grandma's or with a babysitter, and you can NOT talk about the boys, the family or finances. You have to learn to knew each other. If nothing else be like me, I wait until we are in the car and on a trip, and then I start talking about things that I think we need to discuss. Because if you have them trapped in the car, they can't go anywhere. And they have no choice but to listen .It pretty much works every time. You have to learn to picture your battles.
Okay, enough lecturing. I wish only happiness for you Melissa. And I know that you will find it.
Grandma Vicki saying
I love you and those boys and even Stephen , even tho I don't know him very well, kudos goes to him for facing the family the way that he has. I happen to know how hard that was.
You are going to make it.