Monday, October 27, 2008

Aiden the scoocher

Aiden has learned to scootch. If thats a real word (apparently not). Anyways he has been doin pretty good on his stomach but today he was crazy awesome. i put him down to go make lunch and i put him, as u can see, on the edge my the blanket. I went back like 10 mins later and found him under the TV. it was so funny. He is a very fast learned just like his brother. Its a little scary! Hope u enjoy the pics.


Johnson said...

We are doing Jumpin' Jellybeans tomorrow (tuesday) at 1:15. Doesn't Gavin have a pass? You should come hang with us.

Just Chim said...

He will be walking soon.

vicki gardner said...

Hi there,
Have you missed me. I have been sick. I didn't feel good .
I think you are one Heck of a mother. Your kids are great and you did that. Yeah, I can't wait until he learns to crawl and walk. I am really down because I didn't get to come home,and babysit my grandson but I got sick thursday nite and Am still a little under the weather. But he did talk to me o the phone and he was singig to me, He talked on the phone like hehad been talking to me forever. Keep your head up.It will get easier and then you will see that it was worth it, Keep those pictures coming.I love then.I wish that I had a camera and the hook up so that I could post pictures of Hunter that I have He is so cute Of coure I am a little partial to him. ButI know in my heart that Adien and Hunter knew each other before..Hunter probaly told Adien I go first and check it out and you can decide if you want to come to this big crazy bunch.
Well, this grandma vicki
saying that I love you and the boys and wish I was closer to you all.