Friday, October 3, 2008

Just To Top It All Off

This has just been the greatest week and to top it off Steven lost his job. Only after 3 days they said he wasnt working up to speed. Honestly it was his first welding job and he only worked 3 days if that. I think it is ridiculous. Even the guy who was supervising his said he was getting better and doing really well. Apparently not well enough for them. I absolutely hate this. I hate this feel that i have every time something bad happens to us. I hate the realization. I honestly dont think we will ever get a break. Its like a pattern something great happens and then all the bad comes. One great thing happening with tons of bad stuff. I have no idea how people do this. If this is what the first year is like for everyone then i dont know how u get through it and if u have any advice on how to then please feel me in. Im so tired of going through all this. Im ready for it to be over!!! Enough depression, i just thought i would share my wonderful week with everyone. I think God is out to get us.

Oh and also, life just gets better, Steven and I went today to go get our tag changed on the jeep since he moved down here. Well we got there and the guy told us that it was suspended until the 18th and there was nothing we could do. So we paid the stupid fine and now we have absolutely no car to drive!!! Our only operating vehicle is illegal to drive. I cant wait to see what great things will be bestowed upon us in the day to come. lata


vicki gardner said...

first of all God has not deserted you. And Second, yes that ffirst year of marriage is hard. Especially if you aready have kids. Just ask Bruce, Ryan, Lanice and your Mom. that first year, you actually wonder why the Hell did I do this. But then you look at you husband and kids, and then you remember why. Because you love them. Believe me, marriaige is hard. Bad things happen but you just have to have faith that you willl be able to endure the trials well. Because you will have trials all you life. And Heavenly Father is aware of you and Steven ad thoses precious little boys and He knows exactly the right moment to bring you comfort. So you have to have blind faith and trust Him. Because he knows what heis doing. It is us that don't have a clue what we are doing.In marriage there is a lot of give andtake. And sometimes you will feel like you are the only one giving.And in marriage you have to try not to be so demanding. Of ccourse us Curlee women have a hard time doing that. It is Satan that is trying his best to get you. Be strong, be faithful, and pray a lot. And you will get thru it.
As to your family, don'tt worrry about them. They love having you there. And grandma and PaPaw live for the boys. So maybe it is not time for you to move. I get so homesick that some days all I do is cry. Especially now that Hunter is in our family. We have been wanting to move back to ga. for a year now. My whole family is there. But for reasons that I don't understand, it is not time yet. Tom has been on the internet and has had job offers in Atlanta, but most of them are in a bad location,so we will stay here for alittle while longer. See, you are human and so are the rest of us. Weall make mistakes and bad decisions, but we also know that Heavenly Father really does hear our prayers. And maybe, just maybe, some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. Think about it.
I love you Melissa.And I have been where you are right now. abut it does get beter.
grandma Vicki
NEVER GIVE UP, AFTER THE STORM COMES A RAINBOW. Right now you are going thru one heck of a storm. But your rainbow is waiting.

vicki gardner said...

Melissa, things will get better. I can't tell you when, but rest assured that they will.You have Curlee and Robinson blood running thru you, therefore you are stronger than you think. In fact I think you are the strongest of us all.
Remember, the one certainty in this mortal life is that each of us will meet some mighty test. Maybe even lots of them. But it is all part of the plan and as long as things are going imperfectly, then they are going perfectly to the Lord.
Heavenly Father is aware of each trial we must face and when. He also knows the exact moment to send the comfort we need.
Joy comes when each of us pay attention to all the things we are grateful for, instead of all our problems.
Just remember, we are in a partnership with Heavenly Father on this project called mortality.
And besides nowhere in the BOM or the Bible does it say we will always have happiness. In fact,no prophet or apostle has ever promised us happiness. Actually it is just the opposite,we will have lots of trials, and the only thing that matters is how we handle those trials.You just need to remember to take some time for Melissa. i call it the Me time. I know it is hard with 2 little ones, because I have been there and done that. And see, I survived it. And so will you. Give it time and pray a lot.
Believe in yourself. Because I believe in you.
Grandma Vicki saying,
I love you bunches and kiss those boys for me.

Jenkinson Family said...

Melissa, you need to listen to Joseph B. Wirthlin's talk from Sat. General Conference. It was great and I think will be of great spiritual help to you and Steven. Pres. Uchtdorf's talk from the morning session was also fabulous. I thought about you two during these talks. They were for you. We can get through anything.